Learn how to write a tea tasting log with our Master Guide. In the link below you can download our outline to a great cupping session. The guide and regular cupping will help you develop analytical skills in evaluating tea. it is a comparative sensory approach to...
Where do you buy quality loose leaf tea in Australia? How do you know which tea you will like? There are a number of good suppliers in Australia. Facebook and Meetup groups are a good introduction to other tea enthusiasts that are happy to share their tea finds!...
Lessons in buying Chinese tea. It is not easy to break into the tea buying business and it takes many years to build a respected business relationship. Buying tea means travelling into remote regions with very little resources. Sergey Shevelev continues his first...
A DM on Instagram, Tea in a Melbourne City Park and a fascinating conversation about tea in Russia. Meet Sergey Shevelev from MoyChay Russia and in his very first English speaking interview. Stay tuned for the second installment next week. This interview was alot of...
What is Black Tea? What is Red Tea? What is CTC? In this introduction to black tea, we discuss the basic differences between CTC and whole leaf tea. Black tea is the most consumed tea in Australia. It is grown in many countries throughout the world including...
The Tea Aroma Cup was introduced in the 1970’s to stimulate the local tea market in Taiwan. No, it isn’t from China and No it’s not an old tradition. It adds a practical function and elevates Tea Appreciation to join the Aroma Appreciation fans of...
Tips for buying authentic Taiwanese Oolong that has been grown and processed in Taiwan. In this episode, all the ingredients that make a quality Bai Hao are explained so you can ensure that you are paying for the right stuff. Taiwan is a recognised world leader in...
Why should you cup tea? When should you cup tea? Where should you cup tea? How should you cup tea? Kym Cooper joins me to discuss the importance of building your tea knowledge and professional standing through cupping...
China is the home of green tea. Japan has developed a beautiful and unique style of green tea. In this episode, Chinese and Japanese green tea is discussed through flavour differences, brewing styles, harvesting and manufacturing styles. Each of these variables...
In this episode, Pascale from Travelling Samovar joins me again to discuss breaking the rules of tea brewing and expanding your tea knowledge. Learn about how she tackles brewing her morning Japanese green tea. Learn about how she brews Japanese green tea when she has...
Brewing Chinese Green Tea – Follow some Hints and Tips from Pascale of Travelling Samovar – tea anthropology. We break a few rules of brewing and encourage Tea Addicts to find your own brewing style. Learn about tea, how to brew green tea in the style of...